LEOS-50 is BST’s flight proven small satellite platform. In orbit heritage since 2015. Focus on demanding earth observation missions with medium sized payloads.

Parameter Specification
Max. Payload Mass Up to 30 kg
Payload Dimensions 55 x 55 x 40 cm³
Payload Peak Power 160 W
Orbit avg. Power (Typical: 10:30 SSO, 100% Sun Pointing) Up to 75 W
154 W solar panel peak
PL Data Rate Up to 10 Gbps
PL Data Storage 1 TB per DPU
PL Data Downlink X-band, up to 100 Mbps
TM/TC Protocols RS422, LVDS, Others
Propulsion Electrical
Redundancy Selected subsystems
Communications protocols CCSDS compatible
Communications security Authentication & Encryption
Design Lifetime 5 years in LEO
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