The satellite Kent Ridge 1 (KR1) was successfully launched into space from the Indian Satish Dhavan Space Centre (SHAR) on December 16th. The satellite was launched into a 550 km near equatorial orbit as part of the PSLV C29 Teleos-1 launch campaign. KR1 was designed and built in collaboration by National University of Singapore (NUS) and Berlin Space Technology. Telemetry of the satellite was first received via the Center of Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing (CRISP) in Singapore on December 17th. The satellite is healthy and a team of NUS and BST is currently testing all subsystems in detail as part of the early operations. With KR1 new technologies such as two Singapore built hyper spectral cameras will be tested and will contribute to environmental monitoring and disaster relieve in South East Asia. The satellite is part of a training program in which a team of Singaporean engineers have learned how to design, integrate and test small satellites. It enables NUS to build these satellites independently on system level in the future.