There are currently four systems under assembly at BST, three of them you can see in this picture.
In the front left the bus structure of Lagari satellite (STM) is visble. Lagari is a 70kg commercial earth observation satellite with a 20cm aperture TMA optic built for commercial earth observation. The payload is currently checked using the 250mm aperture collimator that stands behind Matthias Buhl, Björn Danziger and Tom Segert. Lagari avionics is in flatsat status in another lab and awaits integration into the bus structure. Launch is planned end of 2023.
The second satellite is the AFR satellite. It is visible on the left hand side behind the Lagari bus structure. AFR is an 80kg earth observation satellite with a wide swath medium resolution multispectral imager. The main purpose of the satellite is training the assembly teams of our Indian factory (Azista BST Aerospace). The satellite is currently being prepared for launch on Falcon 9 in June 2023.
The third satellite is NExSat of the EgSA-Egyptian Space Agency. The satellite was built by EgSA using BST parts in Egypt. It is currently in Berlin for environmental tests before the launch on LM3 in June 2023. The satellite carries an wide swath medium resolution imager.